
Seventy-One Percent of Iraqis Are Happy, But ABCNEWS Is Not

Today, ABCNEWS released the normal "Here’s good news, but don’t believe it" story. The story is about a recent poll in Iraq that reveals Iraqis have a fairly positive outlook on life in Iraq. Even though the poll results indicate that America is making some good progress in Iraq, Gary Langer and Jon Cohen of ABCNEWS will not let you believe it.

The negative tone of the story is evident in the opening paragraphs. Here are some examples of sentences that show the liberal, manipulative bias of ABCNEWS.

"Surprising levels of optimism prevail in Iraq with living conditions improved, security more a national worry than a local one, and expectations for the future high."

"Despite the daily violence there, most living conditions are rated positively, seven in 10 Iraqis say their own lives are going well…"

"Surprisingly, given the insurgents' attacks on Iraqi civilians, more than six in 10 Iraqis feel very safe in their own neighborhoods…"

These sentences start with "surprising," "despite," and "surprisingly." The writers want you to know that they are baffled by how Iraqis could possibly be positive. ABCNEWS is quite confident that Iraq is a disaster, and they just do not understand why the Iraqis have not figured this out yet.

The message that ABCNEWS is sending you with this story is "Iraqis are happy with the results of the Iraq War, but that’s just because the Iraqis are clueless. If they really knew how evil the United States is, they would be just as miserable as American liberals."

ABCNEWS makes a big issue of the less favorable numbers in the poll and goes into detail about all of the reasons that catastrophe must be inevitable in Iraq. The biggest point that ABCNEWS makes with this story is that 71% of Iraqis say things are going well in their lives; however, only 44% say things are going well in their country. Why this huge discrepancy? Maybe most Iraqis are actually doing well, but they perceive that things are not so good in their country. Hmm. Maybe 56% of Iraqis watch ABCNEWS.

Click here to read the original article: "Poll: Broad Optimism in Iraq, But Also Deep Divisions Among Groups"

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